Wednesday, June 1, 2011

The Gallery - What Im grateful for

What am I grateful for, many things but I am most grateful everyday for my family. My husband and two beautiful girls.  They are my life, my world, my strength and my reason for being.  I am very lucky as some people are not so blessed, they are healthy and happy.  When times are hard, I keep going for them. I love to see them smile and to see them grow and change and learn. 

Come see the Gallery


  1. Lovely pic. It's so lovely to be reminded what's really important in life.

  2. Simple but all the more powerful for that and a lovely picture

  3. Lovely photo and so true, family is so important.

  4. lovely pic and a family to be proud of and grateful for. x

  5. Just found you through the gallery and now following, had a nosy, and so nice to see that no matter what happens in life, its always family that we're thankful for. Lovely post and pic. Nat

  6. Hi
    Thanks for all your kind comments, I had a look at all your blogs and gallery posts, they are great. Family I think for most is a wonderful, life affirming thing that makes us strong and we wouldnt change it for anything (except maybe a bit more 'me time')
