Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Bom Novo Ano

Happy New Year to all

Hope all had a great Christmas time. And now onto the New Year, what will everyone be doing? Where will you be? For me, Im not too much of a new year celebrator, what I will be celebrating is the end of a terrible year and hopefully the welcome of a far better year.

What are your new year's resolutions?
Mine are to work and try harder. To be a better person and take every opportunity.

Would love to hear your's?

Dont forget if you are a rental homeowner and concerned about next season, which you probably should with the proposals of the portuguese government, then please look at for some great INCOME BOOSTING tips from letting expert Wendy Shand. If you want some further advice please contact me and I can help.

Bom Ano a todos x

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